Client (English)
Please post all ideas that concern the DocuWare client in this forum.
27 results found
Image Stamps with Customer field or Index Field
I have a use case in a Government Agency where more than two person needs to approve a document using comments and Signature (Not Digital) in particular designated locations in document Like one Person in Top Right-hand side and another Bottom Right-hand side. When we use Image stamp setup it only has three predefined fields which can be added in the design (username, Date and time with an option to insert image which can be a scanned copy of signature). Image 1 Explains the same. There is no option of comments (Custom User Text Input). If we try to create…
1 vote -
Indication that a stamp is present on another page
It would be nice to have an Indication that a stamp is present on another page or a list of pages with stamps.
Andreas2 votes -
Have the ability to delete our own stamp if placed by error
It would be nice to be able to delete our own stamp if we place on a document by error or on the wrong page in the document. Or even have the ability to move it after it been placed.
3 votes -
Stamps - Permissions Loophole
By allowing all users the ability to create a stamp, you're allowing them to set any field to any value they want. Yes there are permissions you can lock down on fields, but if it's a field they normally can change, for example a Status field, they're no longer limited to select list options. They could mark an invoice "Approved" for example when they're not supposed to, potentially kicking off workflows, etc. This is a loophole that needs to be closed. Simply putting back Stamp creation in the functional profile would fix this.
3 votes -
Add back the Segoe Script font into DocuWare cloud for stamps
Prior to 7.4,we had the ability to select Segoe Script font for stamps. This handwriting like font was very useful for creating signature stamps where a true digital signature was not required.
3 votes -
Add the functionality to put stamp only on document that match some index rules
Can you add the functionality to put stamp only on document that match some index rules ?
For exemple :
If Document Type = "Invoice" the i can put a stamp.
If not, the stamp doesn't appear in the list of stamp, or An error message is displayed to explain that i can't put stamp on the document because of the value of the index.4 votes -
stamp multiple pages at one shot
I would like to use a DW stamp as Flash signatures on contract documents and not sure if DW supports it. It will be like:
The contract has 10 pages, and I will use DW image stamp (my signature image) to chop on the first page, then the stamp will be applied to all the rest pages of the contract with one shot only.
I think we should develop this feature because it's useful. Thank you.
2 votes -
Stamp Digital Certificate
Would be great to have the Digital Certicate linked to the DopcuWare Stamp same way done in document processing.
19 votesThank you for your idea. Right now we are focusing on other topics, so we are not considering this idea for future releases. If the demand for this topic increases, we might add it to future plans.
Possibility to change the variables order for stamps
In earlier versions, when stamps were configured by Administration utility, it was possible do define the order of variables of the stamp.
Since the introduction of web client for stamps defining, this feature is no more available.
It could be usefull to restore this functionality for old customers that know the previous behaviour and for new ones that ask for fixed text of the stamp to preceed any other variable text.
This is the desired and "no more supported" configuration:
Fixed Text
AutoCurrentUser6 votes -
Stamps to use One Click Indexing
Currently when a Stamp is used, one-click-indexing is not an option.
Additionally the image is completely grayed out, making the image less accessible for seeing the data needed to fill in.
7 votes -
Possibility to change the variables order for stamps
In earlier versions, when stamps were configured by Administration utility, it was possible do define the order of variables of the stamp.
Since the introduction of web client for stamps defining, this feature is no more available.
It could be usefull to restore this functionality for old customers that know the previous behaviour and for new ones that ask for fixed text of the stamp to preceed any other variable text.
This is the desired and "no more supported" configuration:
"Fixed Text
AutoCurrentUser"1 vote -
Add table field on stamp
Include the possibility to add table field to stamp
7 votes -
Automatic stamps on document archiving
Possibility to add automatic stamps on document archiving
3 votes -
Deny users to create a "Personal Stamp".
Currently, Any user can create a personal stamp and update the document(s) metadata without any validation.
From the Configuration page, "Configure Stamp" permission under functional profile doesn't affect "Personal Stamps", and the user will still have the permissions to create stamps and use it.
In the case we have a workflow process with one task contain two decisions (Approved, Rejected), the decision will affect "status" filed to be updated as (approved, rejected).
Users need to have the permission of (write, modify) on the "status" field to take the decisions, at the same time user can create a personal stamp with…
20 votesThank you for your idea. Right now we are focusing on other topics, so we are not considering this idea for future releases. If the demand for this topic increases, we might add it to future plans.
Stamp Visibility on Document Criteria
Stamps can perform very specific actions, sometimes only appropriate for documents of certain document types, statuses or other defining criteria. Right now the stamps all show for anything in the specified File Cabinet, but would be great if we could filter when they show up based on defined index values.
10 votes -
More Stamp Colors
We need more stamp color options besides red, green, black, blue, and yellow. Yellow is useless on a white background. When multiple departments are touching the same document, it would be helpful to color code department stamps. Thank you.
5 votes -
Stamps need to be removable by user rights, not only delete before saving, process changes and Work Order change as well
Stamps need to be removable by user rights or profile, not only delete before saving, process changes and Work Order/stamps change as well
2 votes -
Able to add Stamps without decisions
Able to add Stamps without decisions being stamped as well.
Stamp just posts
USER AND TIMEbut the field will still copy to comments.
1 vote -
Allow the option to require someone view a file before making a decision about/stamping the file
For example, for an approval workflow, there's nothing that prevents people from making an approval decision without having viewed the file.
3 votes -
Log annotations/stamps correctly in document history
When a document is stamped or annotated, an entry is created in the document history that is titled "Edit Annotations" but it doesn't say what was edited. We would like it to say what stamp was applied or if a text annotation was performed. Additionally, if a stamp is applied that changes index data, the index change is not logged at all. We want to see all index data change events in the document history.
12 votes
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