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Please post all ideas that concern the configuration of DocuWare in this forum (i.e. DocuWare Administration, Workflow Designer, Desktop Apps).

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451 results found

  1. Hide Uneeded Store Dialogs in Trays

    Allow for store dialogs to be specifically hidden (possibly by File Cabinet reference) via a configuration within the tray.

    For example:
    The system has an Accounts Payable tray, which an administrator user is using, this tray allows them to see store dialogs for HR aswell.

    However, with the proposed idea you could turn off these extra store dialogs to reduce user error

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  2. Function to lock a fillable PDF in the workflow to prevent further modification

    The overall process surrounding the question is a PO Form, which I’ve created in DocuWare. That form triggers an Approval workflow. In the workflow I also add line totals, overall total and the name of the final approver onto the fillable PDF document. Once the document is approved, the workflow sends the PO to the supplier. The problem is that at this moment the order is still fillable… I need that document to be a non-fillable PDF… Problem is that I can’t create the non-fillable PDF with the form as I then can’t add the line totals etc. to the…

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  3. More metadata on DocuWare users

    It would be very useful to add the following information to the DWUser database:
    − Creation date/Time,
    − Modification date/time,
    − De-activation date/Time,
    − Last access date/Time ,
    In order to manage and review the user list easier.

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  4. Bring back the option 'Create a document tray for every assigned user' within the configuration.

    Since Dw 6.11, every document tray should be created one by one manually for each user. Which is very funny for mid & large organization. Bring back the option from previous versions "Create a document tray for every assigned user'.

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  5. Grant access to create Baskets and File Cabinets to the API

    When working within the API you have the ability to create users and assign them groups and roles. However, you still have to manually create Baskets for the users to use.

    By the same token, now that you are able to export and import a valid XML for a FIle Cabinet to speed up creation, you should be able to create a method to allow passing of an XML (or FC class).

    Once the idea for export/import Workflows is completed, it would be nice to have this functionality for that as well, as it will significantly speed up moving data…

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    1 comment  ·  File Cabinet  ·  Admin →
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  6. Add BCC and CC options to the email tasks in workflow designer

    Add BCC and CC options to the email tasks in workflow designer

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  7. Allow nested operators in workflow designer

    For the trigger conditions, it should have the same functionality as the file cabinet profile index filters. We should be able to set if Field1 is equal to Value1 AND Field2 is empty OR if Field3 is empty OR if Field4 is empty.

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  8. Group elements in DocuWare Forms and an "add button" to dynamically "create" fields

    Imagine that Im a technician and require spare parts to fix something... I would need a document with some certain information which would repeat n number of times, i.e. Part Number, Description, Qty... there won't be a fixed number of fields that i have to fill each time I need spare parts.

    The group elements function would allow to wrap PartNumber, Description and Qty to be treated as one, so with the Add button you could add another group of those fields as on requirements

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  9. Allow usage of different SMTP Configuration in Workflows

    You can create multiple SMTP Configurations but you cannot select different ones in workflow email tasks, you should be able to from a dropdown select which configuration you wish to use for that task, or at a workflow level select it as well.

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  10. Visual improvements to Workflow Designer

    I would like the ability to reorder Decisions within a task and their outputs, alter the size and shape of activities, and select a bunch of the activities and move them all at once. Right now it is very tedious and time-consuming to design a workflow that is visually clear.

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    Thank you for your contribution. We are now working on a new version of the Workflow Designer, which will bring a whole new user experience, so we set this wish to “Planned”.
    I’d like to point out that a couple of things are possible in the meantime, like reordering decision and now also reordering data assignments. Multiselect will come with the new version.
    In case of changing size and shape of the activities, we are not planning to do this currently.
    I’d be happy to learn why and how this would help you in your daily work.

  11. Role list for Workflow Manager

    With DocuWare 6.6 we can select multiple roles in using the Workflow Manager. That's nice but we need a "role list" as we have it with the Substitution list.

    If we allow the user to choose a role for the next task, he can see all existing roles (!) also the "Default Organisation Role". You need to specify which roles the use can see for two important reasons.
    1. Depending on the workflow one user need only a couple of roles in the list and not all.
    2. The Roles are also used for the authorization management. And these roles…

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  12. DocuWare Cloud: Add select list for users in specific groups.

    In on-premise solutions, we can create custom queries in SQL that allow select lists to be dynamically generated to show only users in certain groups. In cloud systems, since we do not have access to the database, we cannot create these select lists. It would be great if one of the DocuWare built-in select lists was users of a group, where each group could be its own select list.

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  13. Form filling checks and crosses

    When mapping fields to a merge doc, can we have the option to have ticks, or checks as well as the existing "X" ?

    The reason is that when using a Checkbox field in form design, and then mapping that to a merge form the data changes from a "tick" for yes on the web form, to an "X" which can be interpreted as a "No" on the merge form.

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  14. Add the Org Admin role as an administrator to all new configurations/doc trays/file cabinets by default

    The Org Admins should have admin access to all newly created configs/doc trays/file cabinets and not have to track down the creator when something needs to be changed. The role can be removed from Admin for sensitive documents, but it should be opt-out instead of opt-in.

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  15. Create logging process for Predefined Workflows

    There is a need to allow logging so it can be documented that any of the predefined workflows, such as Auto-index Workflows, Deletion Workflow, Export Workflows, and Synchronization Workflows have processed when scheduled.

    This can be imported for multiple types of audits, disaster recovery, and business continuation.

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  16. Make improvements to Email Notification

    Email Notifications are extremely limited in what they can do and how they are scheduled. They are also not easy to understand and/or test. I recommend the following improvements.
    1. Allow groups and roles to be assigned to a notification. The whole point of AD synchs with a group is to reduce administration tasks but without the ability to assign groups/roles to notifications, then the admin has to assign users separately OR open a notification job to all users, which is not ideal.
    2. Create an ability for a notification to change a field after execution. This will allow users…

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    Thank you for your idea. Right now we are focusing on other topics, so we are not considering this idea for future releases. If the demand for this topic increases, we might add it to future plans.

    Please Note: Apart from the improvement of scheduling options all other functionalities are available in the DocuWare Workflow Manager.

  17. Workflow Designer - Add Attachment as task completion option

    Create an option for attachment of documents to existing workflow manager for completion of task and have the document staple to the current file. Ex; Attach a shipping document to a PO for verification.

    Currently the option to clip documents to it and moving the workflow is an option, but am having it requested that an attachment HAS to be placed before proceeding.

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  18. Create Sectional Header in Store Dialog

    If the store dialog has many fields 50+, it would be useful to the end-user to have it in sections with sectional headers

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  19. Allow shared mailboxes in connect to mail

    I've been informed that shared mailboxes do not work with Connect to Mail.
    However with the move to Exchange Online, and it being licensed per user, we have to use shared mailboxes not user accounts with a mailbox attached.
    Being able to use shared mailboxes would reduce cost and user management complexity.

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  20. Create forms with a organization template

    like a fusion into "form of fusion" with "traditional forms". For example, I upload the PDF template file and add items on this template to capture information. In this way, the user of a web client looks at a friendly interface.

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