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Client (English)

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72 results found

  1. Bring back the Print Result List button

    Previous versions of the thick client had a Print Result List button that would print a result list directly to a printer. I have customers that use this to report on recently stored documents. Now they have several more steps to work around this missing button.
    The older Thick client -
    1. Search for documents.
    2. Click button to print result list. - - It would be printed directly to a printer. (In a readable format.)

    The Web Client.
    1. Search for documents.
    2. Click button and select copy to CSV.
    3. Open CSV in excel.
    4. Select first Column.…

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  2. Right Click on a value to search for all related documents based on this value

    From the file cabinet, right click on any of the values and have ability to search for all related documents based on this value in this category. For example if Status = Indexed and I wanted to quickly search for all documents with this same value even though my search dialog had be set to another search type, then i can initiate a new search dialog from the right click and a drop down option.

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  3. provide a method of public access to docuware repositories

    We are getting many requests both from existing customers and prospects for the ability to provide access to public record or read/only documents to a pool of users. Many are municipalities. Currently there is no way to share a pool of read only users or a way to accomplish this with Docuware cloud as far as I know of so we have to recommend alterntatives.

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  4. "Document in workflow" flag in result list

    It would be very helpful to have a flag in the result list to see which documents are currently in a workflow. At the moment the users will have to build rather complex searches for various different status entries to identify all documents which are still in a workflow process. If there was a flag like the paper clip for appended pages, it would help the users a lot

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  5. Change the max limit of results to more than 10K

    When doing a blank search I want to determine how many documents are in a cabinet, it maxes out at 10K and also provides different numbers every time I search.

    Why does this most basic feature not already exist? Has no one else ever wondered how many docs are in a cabinet?

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  6. File Cabinets in Alphabetical Order for Searches

    I have 90 some file cabinets. I manually put them in alphabetical order. When I do a search they are not in alphabetical order. I have four columns to hunt through. It would seem that each column would be in alphabetical order. Not user friendly.

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  7. show number of full text results within a document

    Hi, When using full text search for key word(s), it would be really useful to know how many results with the document there are. We can see the number of documents it exists in but not the number of times within that document

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  8. 4 votes

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  9. Customize Fulltext Searches

    When using a fulltext search, the text is highlighted in red and yellow. I wish to be able to customize these colors.

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  10. Enable the same search configuration for dates that you have in List and AutoIndex configuration setup

    You already provide configuration options for Lists and even in AutoIndexing that let us search for more than explicit dates.

    Please enable this for us for Search.

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  11. When you create a Folder and a Windows Client, the first column is the File Name.

    Many DocuWare customers, including many customers from older version of DocuWare, have and index for file name, and set as the Document Name.

    Now, when they create a new Folder, the first column is the file name. But, when documents are scanned into DocuWare, or imported from a network folder, the file name often is repeated, SCAN1.pdf, SCAN2.pdf, and so on. This can be very confusing to new users.

    There needs to be a setting that will allow you to hide the File Name when you create a Folder, or reorder it to be in different column location.

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  12. from results set from URL creator, allow users to open full client

    from results set from URL creator, allow users to open full client

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  13. Change the default file cabinets when searching multiple file cabinets

    Our client would like the ability to change the default file cabinets that are selected when performing a search across multiple file cabinets. Whenever you do a multi-file cabinet search, the same file cabinets are always selected. In an instance that you say want to select the same 4 file cabinets every time, you would have to add the same 2 file cabinets every time and couldn't change it to default to 4 file cabinets. This has been tested by DW support and confirmed not to be a function of DocuWare currently.

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  14. french special characters

    Possibility to search an accentuated value with a non accentuated value in a form field and/or fulltext field.
    i.e : "eleve" can show values "élèves", "prélévement", "prélever"...
    conversely, accentuated word must not show non-accentuted values, for exemple "évén" must not show "revendeur", "prévenu" or "éventuellement" but is right for "événement".

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  15. When using the Checkout feature of version control there is no notice that the document is checked out to a subsequent user if they are only

    When using the Checkout feature of version control there is no notice that the document is checked out to a subsequent user if they are only viewing the document. A notice of being checked out is only shown if a subsequent viewer attempts to edit the document. A notice should also be provided that the document is check out even if they are only viewing it. Otherwise the user viewing the document is assuming that it is the most current version and may take action accordingly not knowing that they should actually wait and view the document later after any…

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  16. Save search criteria in multi cabinet saved searches

    It would be helpful for a user/administrator to be able to save search criteria in multi-cabinet saved searches/task list.

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  17. Left Clicking or highlighting a value in the search dialog allows you to select and can copy the value.

    From the file cabinet, left click on any of the value allows you to select that value (highlight) and copy so that you can paste it elsewhere, like back into a search dialog.

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  18. Quick search bar (like M-Files)

    Implementation of a quick search bar, just like M-Files has. It automatically searches from metadata and file content. Just like Google basically but internally.

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  19. Allow users to search a range of addresses

    It would be nice to have the ability to search for a range of numbers, say we have data for 1 Main St through 10 Main St, and have the information for just the data in this range.

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  20. When searching user management for 'active', return all active users. When searching for 'inactive' return inactive users.

    DocuWare admins need this kind of data returned quickly and reliably to prevent the need for any sort of user deletion policy, functionality which DocuWare does not have.
    Recently I was asked for an export (yes an export) of inactive users, so great was their need for a quick and easy way to search for this info.

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