Client (English)
Please post all ideas that concern the DocuWare client in this forum.
49 results found
Option to copy document to tray without index data.
We would like an option to copy a document from a cabinet to a tray without copying all index data.
4 votes -
Choose if a File Cabinet Document is brought in As Stored or converted to PDF
Docuware has been inconsistent with Trays. Some versions convert all documents going into the tray from the file cabinet to PDF and current versions do not.
There are good reasons for both.
In the case of a legacy system that was once all TIFF images this is very helpful to bring them up-to-date.
In the case of loosing the ability to maintain a records integrity, it should not be allowed.
If you allowed administration to choose a Trays ability to convert or not would allow both.
1 voteThank you for your idea. Right now we are focusing on other topics, so we are not considering this idea for future releases.
DocuWare does not convert document types during import or storage. A document is only converted to PDF when annotations are merged to an image file in the Viewer.
Display number of document in document trays
It would be very helpful if the number of documents in each trays was display in the list of the document trays (see picture).
When a user have to deal with a great number of document trays, it will help to increase his productivity.
See also this idea :
It's from 2 years now, is this idea will be implemented soon ?Thank you.
11 votes -
disable the enter key when storing documents
I want the enter key to only be used to add index entries; not store the document. I click the data on the scanned documents and press enter to add it as an index entry--sometimes I will think I have clicked the data but my mouse wasn't all the way on the data and I will, out of habit, press enter and the whole document is stored when it wasn't ready to be stored. Just make it a user option so each user can decide what they want the enter key to do. You should encompass more keyboard shortcuts.
2 votes -
Add Modified By and Entered By fields to fields visible in docTray.
Add Modified By and Entered By fields to fields visible in docTray. This would allow users who use a shared document tray to see which documents they are responsible for.
8 votes -
Number of pages in documents trays when intelligent indexing
When a tray uses intelligent indexing, we can't see the number of pages of the document.
We need it please.4 votes -
PLEASE add a dialog to confirm commit of change to multiple index entries
We had a client that mistakenly committed three index changes to over 2,000 entries. She intended just to update 1 record. She had no warning that this was about to happen. Please(!) DocuWare add a warning that the Save will affect X number of records. Or allow Admin to turn off the ability to edit multiple entries. Thank you.
2 votes -
autoindex document tray
Document Trays should have the ability to autoindex when documents come in and either automatically store to File Cabinet or Pre-Index the documents as they arrive. This would alleviate the need to setup folder imports for the most part.
3 votes -
Store Automatically Currently ignores the settings in the selected store dialog. It should still default values in fields etc.
Personally I think this is a bug. Currently Store Dialog settings like preloaded default values are ignored. If you select multiple documents in a tray and use the Store Automatically the settings of the store dialog are not processed. This causes huge issues if a status field for instance was preloaded to kick off a particular workflow. The user is allowed to do it but the documents get stored without the necessary default index values and the user has no idea the fields were not filled in as they are if they store one at a time with the store…
15 votesThank you for your idea. We added it to our collection of ideas and features and will further investigate it. We currently cannot say exactly when this idea will be implemented. As soon as we have more information we will update its status.
allow us to control which store dialogs can be seen from a document tray
document trays are used for different things. eg. invoices coming in to one facility go into a particular document tray (from C2Mailor or from DWImport from a hotfolder linked to that facility's MFP, or users at that facility only have access to that C2O configuration, etc). Wouldn't it be great if any of those invoices could only be stored using one particular store dialog (eg. the Invoices one), even if that particular user also had access to a store dialog for contracts or other documents that never ended up in this tray? That would simplify the user's menus, reduce possible…
22 votesThank you for your idea. Right now we are focusing on other topics, so we are not considering this idea for future releases. If the demand for this topic increases, we might add it to future plans.
Add additional permissions to document trays
It would be nice to be able to break out the 'use' permission on a document tray to be two separate permissions: View and Modify. Currently, personnel have full access to another persons working tray when they have the Use permission applied, but they have requested the ability to lock down their own trays where others on the team have visibility (View / Read Only), but not edit.
21 votesThank you for your idea.
Right now we are focusing on other topics, so we are not considering this idea for future releases. If the demand for this topic increases, we might add it to future plans.Document trays are meant for individual temporary storage. If you want more security you should consider using a file cabinet.
Enable searches for document trays
If I scan 50 documents to my document tray and none of the sort options are suitable then I have to manually scan the tray for the document I want to find.
If I scan documents in a certain order they are imported to the tray in a random order 9.5/10 times. Using the created on or modified on filter doesn't do the job of helping me find what i'm looking for.
Printer/Import configs help give documents names to help identify instead of a printer scanner meaningless name but you should be able to search for something specific instead of…
8 votes -
Create a mass delete within the "temp" document tray due to the fact if you have an issue during import all the files get placed there.
Create a mass delete within the "temp" document tray due to the fact if you have an issue during "import" all the files get placed there. I have had to manual go in and delete over 5,000 document multiple times, perhaps add where deletion workflows can be done to document trays
10 votesThank you for your idea. Right now we are focusing on other topics, so we are not considering this idea for future releases. If the demand for this topic increases, we might add it to future plans.
Enable sorting by Total Pages in document trays
Tray docs may be sorted by all fields except Total Pages. It's an interesting omission considering that it's the only attribute by which trays docs are not able to be sorted.
5 votes -
have a number pop up on the document trays tab when you have items in your inbox.
Just like there is a number for when you have tasks in your task list
14 votes -
Docuware Trays Dropdown needs to show number of files in tray
It would be nice to have the number of files in each tray display on the drop down. This way I don't have to open the tray to see if anything needs to be processed. Please see attachment for example.
38 votesThank you for your idea. We added it to our collection of ideas and features and will further investigate it. We currently cannot say exactly when this idea will be implemented. As soon as we have more information we will update its status.
Add Ability to Remove Blank Pages
Would be nice to have the ability to remove blank pages from the web basket and also from the stored documents in the cabinet. This feature should be available from the task list as well.
Would also be nice to have the ability to automatically detect and remove blank pages with the import feature.
22 votesThank you for your idea. We added it to our collection of ideas and features and will further investigate it. We currently cannot say exactly when this idea will be implemented. As soon as we have more information we will update its status.
Allow entering a description when scanning batches of documents to a tray
Users are accustomed to entering a description when scanning multiple documents to a tray and this later helps them select them for indexing. This description may be a batch number, a date, a location from where the documents were received, the operator's name or any text at all that helps organize the documents. The current functionality only allows editing the document name after it is already in the tray and only one document at a time.
5 votesThank you for your idea. We added it to our collection of ideas and features and will further investigate it. We currently cannot say exactly when this idea will be implemented. As soon as we have more information we will update its status.
Is should be possible for the admin to reset/pre-define the default tray for a user
When creating a new tray for a user, the admin should have the option to make that new tray the new default tray of the user. At the moment it seems random which tray of a user become the default tray. The decision should initially lie with the admin as there might be import jobs or printer configurations which forward the processed documents to the default tray of the user
12 votesThank you for your idea. We added it to our collection of ideas and features and will further investigate it. We currently cannot say exactly when this idea will be implemented. As soon as we have more information we will update its status.
Allow Documents To Be Placed in the Tray In The Order In Which They Were Selected
When adding files to a tray from a result view or importing, the documents will not keep the order in which they entered the tray.
This was a feature of the Windows client. They were added to the Basket Synchronously. With the web client they are added Asynchronously and if a larger file takes more processing in the queue it will go in later. Also the modification time seems to be based on minutes rather than the "milliseconds since Epoch to date". This also throws them out of order.7 votesWe are currently not considering your idea.
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